Medical and Dental Mission - Aliaga, Nueva Ecija
Public Health
The ICD Philippines travelled all the way to the northern part of Luzon last August 20, 2017 to deliver free medical and dental services to the community of Barangay Bibiclat, Aliaga, Nueva Ecija. In partnership with the local government Cabanatuan Vice Mayor Gelo Vargas, together with De Los Santos Medical Center and Philippine Air Force, the group was successful to offer 720 medical consultations, 40 ECG, 39 Ultrasound, 119 fasting blood sugar, hemoglobin and hematocrit, and a total of 664 dental service to the people of Cabanatuan.
B Gen Reynaldo C. Torres
Barangay Bibiclat, Aliaga, Nueva Ecija, Nueva Ecija, Region III 3111 Philippines

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When you bring additional fields into a conversion, Quickbase often finds inconsistencies. For example, say you're converting your Companies column into its own table. One company, Acme Corporation, has offices in New York, Dallas and Portland. So, when you add the City column to the conversion, Quickbase finds three different locations for Acme. A single value in the column you're converting can only match one value in any additional field. Quickbase needs you to clean up the extra cities before it can create your new table. To do so, you have one of two choices:

  • If you want to create three separate Acme records (Acme-New York, Acme-Dallas and Acme-Portland) click the Conform link at the top of the column.
  • If the dissimilar entries are mistakes (say Acme only has one office in New York and the other locations are data-entry errors) go back into your table and correct the inconsistencies—in this case, changing all locations to New York. Then try the conversion again.

Read more about converting a column into a table.